Our team has a vast technology background with a wide range of expertise, which allows us to recommend a variety of solutions that meet our clients’ specific needs. Some of the technologies we’ve worked with over the years include:

  • Cold Fusion / ASP / PHP
  • HTML / DHTML / JavaScript
  • Oracle / SQL Server /
  • DB2 / MySQL
  • C / C++
  • JSP / Java / EJB
  • XML / Web Services
  • Flash / Director / Action Script
  • Visual Basic
  • .NET

















































































We work with small to medium sized business and personal clients to create high quality and effective web sites.

Our clients appreciate our responsive and professional web developers, always available and never hesitating to share our experience when it is needed.

Client: Davidson's Inc. Industry: Firearms Industry

Challenge: Davidson's needed a way to link its website to their Financial Accounting back end system, in order to offer both inventory display & order entry capability in real time & offer better services to their dealer channel.

Solution: Davidson's selected the NETcellent System to develop eStore solution using ASP and Microsoft SQL Server that offered complete customization of a real time capability to mail to notify the inventory status to the campaign. This web site allows customers to find the "Dealers Near You" & it consists of the following features: User Login Control, User Account Maintenance, Shopping Cart, Order Inquiry, Invoice History & Elliott ActiveX.

Web site: www.Galleryofguns.com

Testimonial: "NETcellent has been doing our Financial Software Provider since 1991.We chose NETcellent for our web site developing not just for their ability to design sophisticated web sites, but also they have the knowledge to integrate the web front end with our back end financial system. This puts us way ahead of our competitors with our www.galleryofguns.com web site". Tim Mulder, CFO

Client: Lipsey's Inc. Industry: Firearms Industry

Challenge: Lipsey's needed a way to link its website to their Financial Accounting back end system, in order to offer both inventory display & order entry capability in real time & offer better services to their dealer channel.

Solution: To accomplish this, it will be necessary for Lipsey's to host its website in-house. NETcellent will utilize the latest .NET technology to implement this website. Associated web services will be implemented on Lipsey's PSQL 2000 server, many of the existing website features will be retained while many new features will be added.

Web site: www.Lipseys.com

Testimonial: "We have to expressed the highest recommendation to chose NETcellent for your future web site developing. NETcellent has the highest skilled experts to custom made of what we need & their staff members are always listen and to understand the requirements unique to our business. NETcellent is indeed to provide us with quality Web services that are delivered on-time and within budget. We have been doing business with NETcellent since 1991." Laurie Aronson, President

Client: KBI, Inc. Industry: Firearms Industry

Challenge: KBI needed a way to link its website to their Financial Accounting back end system, in order to offer both inventory display & order entry capability in real time & offer better services to their dealer channel.

Solution: KBI selected the NETcellent System to develop eStore solution using ASP and Microsoft SQL Server that offered complete customization of a real time capability to mail to notify the inventory status to the campaign. This web site allows customers to find the "Dealers Near You" & it consists of the following features: User Login Control, User Account Maintenance, Shopping Cart, Order Inquiry, Invoice History & Elliott ActiveX.

Web site: www.CharlesDaly.com

Testimonial: " I would like to start off by saying that you guys did an awesome building this site.I'm already getting great feedback on it.The site functions well and looks great too. A-better design will definitely get all my referral business. Thanks to your superior programming and design. I have done business with NETCellent Since 1992. " Michael Kassnar, President.

Client: W-linx USA, Inc. Industry: Network Communication

Challenge: W-Linx USA needed a way for their resellers to access their latest product specification, catalogue & also can online down load the update driver plus print out all the latest technical manual online.

Solution: W-Linx USA,Inc. selected the NETcellent System to design a custom website that offered complete products that they are carried. This web site allowed customers to check their latest on sale products & provide the technical information about all their product. Customers can down load all the latest driver & catalogue on line.

Web site: www.Wlinxusa.com

Testimonial: "Thank you NETcellent, all your hard work has gone a long way to making our website look professional. Keep up the great work! Thank you once again." Jack Jaw, President.

Client: Dalco, Inc. Industry: Screen & Pad Printing

Challenge: Dalco needed a way for new customers to check the services that they are offering & let the prospect customers find out the latest samples that they have done for their existing customers.

Solution: Dalco, Inc. selected the NETcellent System to design a custom website that offered complete services information & allows new customers to view the latest samples & find out the detail work that Dalco porvide to the public.

Web site: www.Dalcoscreenprint.com

Testimonial: "Thank you NETcellent,we've nothing but positive comments on your service. ! Thank you for all the creative energy. Jeanette Knox, Office Manager.

Client: Elbe & Sohn Inc Industry: Manufacturer of Double-Propellar Shaft for Driven Steering Axles

Challenge: Elbe & Sohn Inc. needed a way for their signed up distributors to check the specification, status of the inventory & on line place and process order at real time. This website is an e-stor solution for Elbe & Son to display all the latest samples & real time inventory for their existing resellers.

Web site: www.ElbeStore.com

Testimonial: "I appreciate all you have done to set up our Website. Our online sales orders have arrived and that reduced lots of paper work to our staffs.! I am so very pleased with your excellent service. Thank you again for the speedy delivery." Andreas Barthel, Controller.

Client: Los Angeles Chinese Orchestra

Challenge: LA Chinese Orchestra requested lot of the photos and music editing, re-touching & modified at their site. Their objective is to show their photos on web. But most of their pictures were originated from very low resolution or required lot of editing in order to show the best quality. Just for the music demo portion, Due to the conductor really want to show their best music demo on the web. He re-play & recorded those music demo for over 10 times. That made us to re-do that page for over 10 times as well. We are talking about 40 hours work to re-record those music. The demo now you hear on the web is just part of the music. We truly believe each client has their individual need to do their web site and we totally understand and respect for that.

Web site: www.worldchineseculture.org

Testimonial: "I have been worked with two different web designers, but none of them were known what we really want until NETcellent took over this project. I appreciated all your efforts and patient to set up our Website from ground. I will give best recommandation to those that searching for quality work. Thank you to Landy for your excellent service. " Prof. Yao-Hua Gao.

Client: The Portable Warehouse Corporation

Industry: Computer/ Network Solution Provider

Challenge: The Portable Warehouse Corp. was not satisfied about their existing website and through their business partner's referral found us. Dave-the president of the TPW, he wants to build a brand new face of their website. We sent photographer on site snapped shot all their products. Dave wants to have a friendly website that can easily for buyers to learn their products specification on line. Their client list includes the U.S. Navy, Army and Airforce, Dow Chemical, Boeing State of New York, Symantec Corp among many others.

Web site: www.portablewarehouse.com

Testimonial: "I went through a referral from my business partner to have NETcellent System rebuild our company web site. The project is well done now and I have to thanks for their professional Web Developers, especially to Landy, She is the one never over promised and under deliver. I am very glad that I choose NETcellent to become my company's web master and hosting provider. Thankqs for your excellent service, NETcellent." David Fazli,President.

To find out how we can help your buisness create the custom solution it needs, call our Web department at 866-622-5009 ex.106 or email us at sales@netcellent.com.


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